Wednesday, April 30, 2008

High Powered Mini Jets

In Star Wars they had the greatest laser guns on the X-Wing Fighters as they attacked the Death Star under the command of Darth Vader, who also had his own escort fighters with laser guns. Wow, exciting indeed. Well today our United States Air Force Research Laboratory has installed high-energy laser in a 747 Jumbo Jet. These high-energy chemical lasers are indeed as deadly as those seen in the Star Wars Movies.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has gone one step further in building a smaller unit about the size of a large refrigerator, which can be used in a fighter aircraft or perhaps a helicopter. Now that is too cool. Now then since it is the size of a refrigerator and the modern day fighter plane has virtually no space left, it will have to put either along the top of the fuselage or rid under the wing like a drop tank. Unfortunately if you start loading stuff all over the aircraft you risk losing its stealth capabilities, which is nearly as important to survival as the actual advanced laser weapon you see?

Well there is on cavity in most fighter aircraft that we can use. That is where the pilot is. So let’s ditch the pilot or put these systems in the most advanced Unmanned Aerial Vehicle or better yet let’s do like we did with the A-10, build the aircraft around the weapon and skip the expense of all that cockpit gadgetry as, the pilot is a significant liability at 18G maneuvers, which will be needed to dodge the next generation of Smart SAMs (surface-to-air-missiles). Let’s be thinking here and stay in it to win it, without the cloud of the ego intensifying the fog of war.

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